A mechanic friend accidentally dropped his SnapOn Bluetooth Scan Module. This caused the module to stop working.
The module looks like as shown in the following photos:

I then opened the scanner up. I noticed that there were two PCBs stacked on top of each other and connected by a big long multiple pin PCB connector, male part on one PCB and the female on the other.
Due to the fall, there was a crack in female connector. As a result of this, some of the pins on the male connector did not make connection to the famle ones and hence the scanner did not work.
The crack was very minor but because of it there was no strength that was holding, pushing the male connector pins against the female connector. So all it required was some sort of support for the cracked connector.
So rather than desoldering and replacing the entire connector which was a quite complex job, I thought, whatif I provided the support by some other means, it might just work.
So, I used a cable-tie and tied it around the cracked connector while putting some super glue to hold the cable-tie in place just in case :), like so:

I reconnected the two PCBs and reassembled the whole scanner and tested it.
Guess what, it worked! My mechanic friend is happily using it without any issues.